Showing posts with label Lighting & Fixture Maintenance. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Lighting & Fixture Maintenance. Show all posts

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Lighting Research: More Schools Switching To LED Lighting

Research: More Schools Switching To LED Lighting
Orion Energy Systems, a leading designer and manufacturer of high-performance, energy-efficient retrofit lighting platforms, announced several school districts nationwide have selected their lighting solutions to reduce their maintenance costs and energy use while improving the quality of light in the classroom. Recent installations include Chula Vista School District in California, Webster Groves School District in Missouri, and the School District of Spencer in Wisconsin.

The Orion LED Troffer Retrofit suite, granted a patent earlier this year, has become a favorite in educational facilities due to the attractive design, optimized light delivery, maintenance-free performance, and under two-minute install, which provides faster overall project completion and minimizes the disruption of class activities.

The Orion Apollo LED Recessed Troffer, known as the Jetson, is an ideal upgrade for schools and other public sector facilities seeking to replace energy-consuming fluorescent troffer fixtures with high efficiency LED light sources. The Jetson is designed specifically to maximize rebate and incentive potential.

Recently a comprehensive retrofit project at the School District of Spencer, which included upgrading all of the school’s 1200 legacy T8 fluorescent troffers to the Jetson in less than five days with no disruption to class or work schedules. Spencer’s use of the Jetson also made the school eligible for higher rebates, compared to competitive retrofit products, from Focus on Energy, the Wisconsin investor-owned utilities’ statewide energy efficiency program, due to the Jetson’s patented design and UL Luminaire status.

“We were spending way too much maintaining the existing lights and needed to find a better cost alternative. The reduction in maintenance is huge for us as well as the projected energy savings. Now the maintenance crew can focus on higher-need projects in the schools. We anticipate saving 50 percent on our lighting energy usage, which is a big deal,” said Michael Enderas, Superintendent of the School District of Spencer. “We did not expect the new LED lights to get installed that quickly and we couldn’t be happier. It was painless for us, and the new fixtures look so much better. Our staff and students went home and came back to classrooms with a more alert and clean atmosphere that is more conducive to learning. Everyone was excited by the dramatic change.”

Aztec Electrical is a certified trade ally with the Energy Trust of Oregon. Give us a call, 245-8560, to discuss your home or business lighting application and how a LED retrofit will help you save money and reduce energy usage. Your project may also qualify for rebates or cash incentives using the Energy Trust.

Friday, October 9, 2015

Electrical: Commercial Lighting And Electrical Maintenance

At Aztec Electrical our electricians have the necessary tools, training, and expertise to energize and illuminate your Rogue Valley business. We guarantee exceptional workmanship from the beginning to end of all projects. Our relentless commitment to impress and exceed our customer’s expectations is what sets us apart. Call Aztec Electrical today and learn how we can brighten your home or business.

    Lighting Upgrades: Tired of those buzzing fluorescent lights? Sick of customers eyeing your flickering lights? Express Electric are your Los Angeles lighting upgrade experts and we can get the job done.

Parking Lot Lighting: We have many clients who own large parking lots that require extensive lighting rigs mounted on massive outdoor poles. We install, upgrade and maintain your commercial lighting poles and make sure you have abundant light to keep your property secure day and night.

Meter Panel Upgrades: We are experts in the replacement of old or broken electric meters If necessary, we are also equipped to relocate an existing meter to your preferred location.

Aztec Electrical is a certified Trade Ally with the Energy Trust of Oregon, we can assist you to receive energy rebates and reduce energy costs - click here to visit our web site.

Friday, September 25, 2015

Layered Interior Lighting - What Is It?

Layered Interior Lighting
Layers of interior lighting can work together to illuminate an area according to function and style.

Ambient (top)
 – Provides overall illumination to the space.

Task (middle)
 – Provides auxiliary illumination, when needed, for specific tasks. Task  lighting should be free of glare and shadows but bright enough to avoid eye strain.

Accent (bottom)
– Provides a focal point of illumination that highlights products or features or adds drama to a space.

– Can help balance light or provide accent lighting in some applications.

The type of lamp, fixture and amount of light can vary significantly depending on
whether it is supplying ambient, task, accent or vertical lighting.

Lighting Fixtures Need To Be Considered

Light fixtures can deliver their light downward (called direct lighting), upward (indirect),
or a combination (direct/indirect).

Direct lighting typically uses reflectors to help direct light out of the fixture. A diffuser,  lens or louver also covers the face of the fixture to help guide the light and conceal the  lamp from view. Today’s designs for lenses and louvers are more efficient than  old-technology diffusers, which caused significant light loss.

Indirect lighting can make a space feel brighter with less light because it illuminates  the ceiling and tops of walls. When these surfaces are light-colored, little light is lost  resulting in even illumination. Indirect lighting works well with a task-ambient lighting  scheme. Indirect lighting or a direct/indirect combination also offers excellent glare  control and visual comfort.

Direct/indirect lighting combines both approaches. Fixtures can be specified to  provide a given percent of both direct and indirect lighting,

This information is provided by the Energy Trust Of Oregon. Aztec Electrical is a Trade Ally Contractor with the Energy Trust. We can help you receive rebates and incentives on your lighting and electrical projects.  #lightingdesign  #lighting

Friday, September 18, 2015

Lighting Technologies For Your Business - Part I

Lighitng Technologies For Your Business
In the typical U.S. commercial building, lighting accounts for close to 35 percent of electricity use, taking a bite out of profits.

Fortunately, recent technological  advances have launched a new era of energy-efficient lighting products. When you take advantage of the most advanced light sources, fixtures and controls, you could save up to 50 percent on lighting energy, while benefiting from the best in lighting quality.

With good design, energy-efficient lighting typically pays for itself in energy savings within a few years.

Opting for energy-efficient lighting offers additional benefits, including reducing the load lighting puts on air conditioning, ventilation, refrigeration and your overall electrical system. Today’s options come in a variety of styles and functionalities, offering flexibility for your design and business.

At Aztec Electrical, we will help you design the right solution for your business lighting. We have been helping businesses in Rogue valley receive rebates and incentives to help their ROI, call today at 245-8560.


Think lumens not watts. The total quantity of light produced by a lamp is measured in lumens.

Lumens per watt, also called lumen efficacy, measures light delivered per watt. Today’s technologies deliver more lumens per watt than incandescent bulbs.

A foot-candle is the amount of light that falls on a surface and is equal to one lumen per square foot as measured by a light meter.

Lumen maintenance is the standard lighting term for the percentage of initial lumens that a
light source maintains over time.  Lumen maintenance is often specified as L70, L80 or L90.  In eachcase, “L” stands for lumen maintenance and the number is the percentage of light output remaining.

Lighting power density  is calculated as watts per square foot and varies by how a space is used and its occupancy.

Fixture efficiency  accounts for how much of a lamp’s light gets out of the fixture. A fixture that’s 90 percent efficient delivers 50 percent more light than one that’s 60 percent efficient.

This information is provided by the Energy Trust Of Oregon. Aztec Electrical is a Trade Ally Contractor with the Energy Trust. We can help you receive rebates and incentives on your lighting and electrical projects.


Thursday, August 27, 2015

LED: lighting that is durable and saves energy

LED: lighting that is durable and saves energy
LEDs are durable and save energy. Now researchers have found a way to make LED lamps even more compact while supplying more light than commercially available models. The key to success: transistors made of the semiconductor material gallium nitride.

At Aztec Electrical we can help you design, install, and maintain LEDs to reduce your lighting expenses.  Because we are a Trade Ally with the Oregon Energy Trust, we can also help you receive cash rebates and/or incentives for your home or business lighting project. Call us today at 541.245-8560. #lightingdesign

Incandescent light bulbs are now banned in the EU, while energy-saving lamps remain a bone of contention. In 2016, it will be lights out for halogen bulbs over 10 watts as well. LEDs (light-emitting diodes) therefore have the best chance of becoming the light source of the future. Experts reckon that LED retrofit lamps for use in standard bulb fittings will overtake traditional energy-saving bulbs for the first time from 2015. By 2020 it is predicted that LEDs will have captured between 88 and 90 percent of the lighting market. The tiny diodes offer a whole host of advantages as the most environmentally friendly source of light – they contain no harmful substances, consume less energy and, with a lifetime of between 15,000 and 30,000 hours, last longer than conventional light sources. They also work at full brightness as soon as you flick the switch.

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Lighting Retrofit: hospital secures 66% energy savings

In 2014, NorthBay VacaValley Hospital became one of the first U.S. health care facilities to install an energy-efficient, ultra-smart outdoor LED lighting system. The award-winning project was so successful that the NorthBay Healthcare group is now considering expanding the VacaValley system and retrofitting the outdoor lighting at other sites.

Prior to installing the networked LED system, NorthBay VacaValley Hospital’s  exterior lighting consisted of 40 induction luminaires, 13 high-pressure sodium  (HPS) luminaires, and 7 metal halide luminaires, all operating at full lighting power  throughout the night.

A total of 57 luminaires were installed with dimmable LED technology for the  lighting demonstration. Motion sensors were installed to provide maximum  coverage of the site, ensuring lights operate at sufficient levels when occupants  are detected and use less energy when areas are vacant. An “ultra-smart” lighting  control network was also put in place, giving facility managers the ability to adjust  lighting schedules, light levels and time-out settings, monitor the system’s  energy use, and receive automated alerts when luminaires require maintenance.

UC Davis’s California Lighting Technology Center (CLTC) customized the lighting  components to integrate them into a single, fully functional system and worked  with hospital personnel to ensure system settings meet the site’s lighting needs.  The retrofit reduced the site’s exterior lighting energy use by 66.4%, dramatically reduced lighting maintenance needs, and received positive reviews from about 88% of end-users surveyed for feedback.

Call Aztec Electrical today at (541) 245-8560 to learn how our services can assist your project with new lighting technology. We can assist you with understanding the available rebates and incentives to improve your ROI.

#electrician #lightingdesign

Monday, July 20, 2015

Lighting Maintenance - often overlooked, but it's a money saver

ighting Maintenance
For a business, perhaps the most overlooked item in budgeting or forecasting energy expenses is outside lighting.

Today in the Rogue Valley area, there are many businesses with outdated lighting technology in place. By upgrading that to LED lighting, you will save energy, and most important, save on your energy bill. In some cases we can help you receive a cash incentive or rebate for your lighting maintenance project.

Call Aztec Electrical today at (541) 245-8560 to learn more.

#electrician #lightingdesign

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Lighting, Interior Or Exterior, Installation & Maintenance

Lighting, Interior Or Exterior, Installation & Maintenance
We install and maintain parking lot lighting and signage for your business.

Aztec Electrical is one of the Rogue Valley’s leading electrical service companies providing broad geographic coverage with comprehensive service throughout Jackson County and Josephine County in the Southern Oregon area. We provide commercial, residential, institutional and industrial electrical services — from lighting to connectivity to security. Every electrician is fully trained to provide you with prompt and professional service.
  •     Lighting Design - A crucial part of any home building, remodeling, or industrial project.
  •     Exterior Lighting Design - If you need outdoor designed lighting, security lights, parking lots, or walk way running lights, look no further then Aztec Electrical.
  •     Building remodels - Let Aztec Electric make sure that your next remodeling goes off without a hitch, with our residential electrical wiring and design services.
Call Aztec Electrical today at (541) 245-8560 to learn more.

#electrician  #homeimprovement  #electrical

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Lighting & Fixture Maintenance Benefits To Your Bottom Line

Lighting & Fixture Maintenance Benefits
Nowadays, the decision to relight or remodel a property is no longer one of just aesthetics. With the EPAct and other tax credits and deductions available, and taking into account the reduction of energy costs over time, the potential savings are substantial. The question now is how much money do you want to save? And how do you want to save it?

What Are the Economic Benefits of Lighting Maintenance?

EPAct - The Energy Policy Act of 2005 provides for a federal tax deduction of $0.60 per square foot for putting in energy-efficient lighting and the associated controls. Have a certification completed and the benefits are a simple line item adjustment to your tax return. A 200,000-square foot warehouse will generate $120,000 in tax deductions when properly renovated.

Utility Rebated - In the same way you get a rebate for buying a new energy-efficient refrigerator, you are also entitled to rebates from the utility for installing energy-efficient lighting.

 Energy Savings - Simply put, a new lighting system can reduce your power usage by 50 percent. With energy costs scheduled to double in some areas over the next five years, you can see how important these savings can be.

Tax Savings - After a renovation is completed, some of the assets may be considered personal property by the IRS. These assets qualify for bonus depreciation.

Abandonment - When a property undergoes renovation, such as adding new lighting or a new HVAC system, the old systems are abandoned for accounting purposes. This means that the net book value of the asset is written off as a loss (i.e., taken as a tax deduction). This deduction can provide significant economic benefit to the property owner.

At Aztec Electric we stay current with teh rebates and incentives you can apply to your energy projects, including lighting maintenance. Give us a call today at 541 245 8560.

#electricians  #homeimprovement

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Two common services: lighting & fixture maintenance and low voltage systems

Two common services: lighting & fixture maintenance and  low voltage systems
We provide electrical services to Rogue Valley to homes and businesses.

An important service is lighting & fixture maintenance. This includes retrofits, along with installing interior and exterior lighting services. You can receive a safety inspection and ideas on reducing your power bills with the Energy Trust of Oregon. We are certified with that Trust to show you how to receive cash rebates.

Home and businesses have used our services to install and service low voltage systems. Typically we provide diagnosis, installation, and repair of low voltage wiring including 120V home lighting, security cameras, and alarms. We can design a low voltage system that might include computer systems, or protection systems.

Monday, July 28, 2014

Lighting & Fixture Maintenance: receive rebates and reduce carbon footprint

Lighting & Fixture Maintenance: We work with business owners on lighting retrofit projects to help them earn energy rebates. These clients benefit from 1) lower energy bills, 2) reducing their carbon footprint, and 3) the ROI (return on investment) pays for the project. Call us today to receive an inspection and ideas on reducing your power bills from energy rebated through the Energy Trust of Oregon.

Aztec Electrical is a full service electrical contractor in Medford Oregon that provides residential and commercial services. We are a certified electrical contractor with the Energy Trust of Oregon.